This site is operated by CTC Japan Inc. We hope you’ll find this site useful in answering questions you may have about our company, our products and services. However, please be aware that we reserve the right to correct, change, update or remove data without notice.
① Introduction
CTC Japan Inc. (hereafter called the "Company") recognizes the importance of personal information, and our social responsibility to manage that information properly. The Company created this privacy statement to provide our customers and guests with peace of mind if they provide personal information through this website. If you do not wish your personal information to be known to the Company, you may refuse to provide personal information. In that case, however, please note that some services may not be available.
② Privacy Policy
2-1. Personal Information
Personal information in this privacy statement includes the names our customers and guests provide to the Company through this website, as well as their addresses, employers, titles, email addresses, telephone numbers, fax numbers, contact information, and other unique means of personal identification.
2-2. Use of Personal Information
The personal information our customers and guests provide is used to respond to requests from customers and guests.
The Company will not use the information our customers and guests provide for other purposes without the express consent of the customers or guests.
If the Company needs to use personal information beyond the scope of the purposes mentioned above, customers and guests will be notified in advance. In that case, customers and guests will have the option to deny use of their personal information for the new purposes.